Create Passive Income Streams
As you've read in the banner of this blog:
We are going to take a newly purchased website ( with no history, no links and no age and work it out online.
The goal is to sell this website in 2010 for big bucks.
Purchasing a $10 domain name and selling a website for thousands of dollars results in capital gains.
Why talk about capital gains in a post about passive income streams?
That's because a website equipped with multiple streams of passive income has a very different value than a website that is not quantified and not monetized.
Passive Income: The more you know about it, the easier it gets.
Unless you inherited sources of passive income, you will have to create it first to enjoy it.
Find out more about passive income streams here:
Passive Income Streams
Source: /passive-income/
If your website is not quantified yet, make sure to read:
Get traffic datas, get your website quantified.
Source: /how-to-sell-website-get-traffic-datas/
Ever heard such thing as the Bank only lends Money to the Rich? It's a very well known fact that website buyers only purchase sources of passive income. Money buys money.
That's the great thing about the experiment: It is making money all the way to the auction.
Online passive income is built on traffic. Where there is no traffic, there is no source of income. So building traffic to a website is one of the necessary skills for this experiment.
When the traffic flows naturally and regularly to your webpages, you can study your visitors and take your best guess at what they will like. That's when you choose to recommend products (ebooks or non digital products) or online activities.
On the WWW, I divide the popular passive income sources in two groups:
Passive income stream 1:
The basic systems that you can plug on any webpage, whatever its topic. (Adsense, Amazon, Ebooks..)
These will generate money with traffic. So we can only talk of 100% passive income if your personal work is not necessary to generate this traffic.
Passive income stream 2:
The systems that you create specifically for and around your specific website.
The popular ones are:
- Recruitment website: Job search engine coupled with a job board.
- Paid directories: Webmasters pay to get a website listed.
- Want to discover more sources of passive income?
Discover more sources of passive income, sign up for fresh cash passive income newsletter.
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