Friday, October 29, 2010

Make money blogging: How to choose the right topic?

Serena is a popular blogger who runs a couple of blogs at WordPress. She asked me what I would recommend she writes about.

Make money blogging: How to choose the right topic?
I think it is indeed a very important question, so I decided to put a couple of tips together in a new post with the perspective of making money from a blog.

Why make money?
Money is power, it may help you keep focus on your writing job and motivate you to keep posting which is what your readers expect from you. Money acts as an incentive.

Money is a good thing!
Money also gives you the power to provide for your loved ones or to give to the charity of your choice. So money is a good thing.

Make money with Google Adsense:
To make money with Google Adsense, it is best to give your blog its own URL, rather than keeping it hosted at wordpress. The main reason for this is blogs hosted at wordpress are not allowed to publish ads.
The only ads you will see at wordpress put money in the pockets of the wordpress webmasters.

Choosing the right topic for your blog:
With the perspective of making money, the first topic that comes to mind for a blog is writing about travelling, because advertisers use internet to sell bus tickets, flight deals and hotel bookings.

Writing about your holidays can be a great source of income!

Serena is targeting the Christian market. Therefore I would recommend you write about travelling to places which are attractive for your audience: Roma? Nazareth? Or maybe simply what bus stop to use to get to your nearest church.

This is just a first thought, you may want to have your posts related to travel on a different URL which includes the right keywords such as www . christian-travel . com

This will make it easier for your audience, for search engines and for contextual advertising programs.

Go to WhoIS to search for domain names related to Christian and Travel

Have you read this: Adsense keywords for success.

Tagged with: How to choose the right topic to make money blogging? What to write about? Adsense blog & Adsense tips to earn money online. Make money with Google adsense working from home. Are you writing for money? Bruce Bucks SEO tips.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What is Infowars Moneybomb?

Infowars Moneybomb is a fund raising project which aims at putting together over usd 500 000.

This program is aired on Prison Planet TV and the donations are accepted through PayPal on the infowars website: make a donation.

Tagged with: Hot topic, Google trends. What is Infowars Moneybomb? How does Infowars Moneybomb raise money?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How to use Jim to get more traffic and make more money?

How to use Jim to get more traffic and make more money?

This is to follow up on last wednesday's blog post: Get more traffic and make (more) money on the web with weeblycom audience.

Today, I recommend that you start hitting on the audience brought to you by Jim.

Who is Jim?
In fact it is and to do just that I have set up a landing page titled How to Make Money Online?


I would definitely recommend that you create a blog at AND at because it only takes minutes and will give your website a better reach, a larger audience, more traffic and therefore the potential to make more money.

SEO'ed keywords:
Get better rankings in search engines, better reach. How to make more money? Larger audience means more visitors to your webpages.
How to get better rankings in search engines? Better reach for my webpages. I need more money. More visitors to your webpages.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Make Money on the Web with

If you have read and followed the tips provided in the previous blog posts published here, you are already hitting a large audience from google search and on blogspot.

Why not also get the other blogging platforms readers attention too?
I would definitely recommend that you create a blog at it takes only a few minutes and will give you access to additional traffic.

I just created Make Money on Z ( I can now certify that this blogging service is user-friendly.

Tag: How to make money on the web. Learn to make money on the web.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Make Money Online

Making money online through affiliate programs or Adsense is a great way to make money because it is a form of passive income.
Basically once you have set it all up, you only have to check your account to see the money rolling in.

If you want additional income you can also blog about your online business to create additional streams of incoming traffic which translates in additional revenue.

Adding special features to your website such as a calculator or a directory is a great way to gain more exposure and serve your readers better.

From times to times, your website may loose on its ranking.
When it is the case I simply go to Digg, Delicious and other social websites such as Twitter and promote my websites a little to compensate for the juice lost. This is usually enough updating to get back to normal traffic level.

You will find more tips about creating and keeping passive income online at my (other) money making blog

Tags: Make money online. Create passive income online. Google Adsense.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Welcome to the new version!

We are glad to provide you with the latest version of blog at blogger.

It now features the five quick links (pics) that you can see in the right column for the following topics: Jobs, Real Estate, Advertising, Trading and Business. 

Today, I have also added the quick links to the right column of

As usual, feel free to comment. Thanks